The New Frontier…A CEOs Perspective

Carmen Bianco, Principal
As a CEO and former safety pro, what is it that I want and need from my professional safety team? Are we aligned on values and strategies that will make our business more successful? When we think about our employees, the products we make and customers we serve, what’s important? What is it we value, and what are we willing to do to get there? How and where does safety t in? My safety background has prepared me for so many things in life, both personally and professionally. It’s given me a view into the world that goes beyond simply compliance. Leading the largest mass transit system in North America and being ultimately responsible for the safety of 48,000 employees and over 8 million customers a day was daunting. I will share my views and experiences climbing that corporate ladder, and a look back at the challenges and opportunities that were presented along the way. Additionally, you will hear my views and values on “people matter” and how it shaped my expectations and strategies regarding the priority safety plays and the expectations and alignment I have with and for my safety team and for every leader in the organization.

Built-In Safety: Modular Methods and Outcomes

Susan Hayes, President
Off-Site Construction presents a number of occupational safety advantages, by simple virtue of its manufacturing environment. Further advantages can be realized, if innovative, process-oriented approaches are applied, and the team thinks beyond typical construction safety practices. The result is workplace that powerfully manages risk, protects the bottom line and maintains worker health & safety to unprecedented degrees. We’ll discuss FC Modular’s Health & Safety programs, the results they’ve yielded, and how we’ve addressed the unique challenges of factory building.

Go Paperless! How to Utilize Digital Technology to Improve Safety Management

Anthony Krake
Going digital can be both an intimidating and frustrating change to make, but when done correctly it is a worthwhile endeavor. Utilizing digital technologies isn’t as hard as many people think and there are plenty of out-of-the-box solutions that will help you improve your overall safety management. This presentation will cover the basics of going digital, demonstrate some existing applications, and help you get a better understanding of how you can utilize equipment you already own towards improving overall safety at your company.

Leadership Skills that Shape and Keep a World Class Safety Culture

Joyce Schroeder, Senior Consultant
Corporate and site managers commit valuable resources for expensive safety programs to get lower accident rates, meet government regulations, and protect the work force and community. However, it takes more than good programs to achieve safety excellence. This workshop puts forth the notion that the most powerful force pushing organizations towards or away from achieving the goal of safety excellence is the cultural leadership that guides organizational members in their beliefs and actions concerning safety. It will teach culture-based concepts and tools that will help managers transition from their more traditional roles to the more powerful leadership role of culture shapers.